Beach Bag Essentials

Summer is here and it feels so good! Here are a few of my favorite summer essentials that I keep in my beach/pool bag. But honestly, they are essentials for the summer regardless if you’re going swimming, enjoying a patio hang or traveling.

a FUN bag: nothing says summer more than a bright colored bag or even a straw bag. Here are a few that I like:

a towel: obviously, this depends if you are going to an actual beach or pool but you definitely need something to dry you off.

a summer read: there is something great about reading in the pool or laying on the beach. Just FYI, I pick my books like I do my wine - by the cover, obvs 🤣

skincare: for obvious reasons - although if you read my swimsuit guide - I do like to tan, don’t be fooled, I apply sunscreen - especially on my face that has endured several years of acne medication.

I use two sunscreens for my face, one all over (find it here) and one for my nose.

I am pretty basic with my body sunscreen and use this

thighcare: Yup, you read that correctly. There is NOTHING worse then thigh chafe all summer long. Megababe to the rescue for sure. This is my go-to anti-thigh chafe stick.

eyewear: this is the first year that I have more than one pair of sunglasses. I always waited until I “needed” another pair which is really a silly way of thinking. Here are my favs:

hats: you either love them or hate ‘em, but they definitely help protect you from the sun, bonus points if you are one of the lucky ones who look good in them! Here are a few I’m loving: