3 Things I'm Adding to my Fitness Routine

If you made it out of the past two years without any physical ailments, consider yourself lucky! Whether you dealt with an issue that resulted from the 2020 pandemic or worsened because of the pandemic, you’re not alone! I had both of those issues this year and I’m ready to prevent them from happening again!

I spent half of 2021 in physical therapy for two different issues. One of my issues - I got a pinched nerve in my back (from water aerobics), I know, I can’t believe it either. The pain was so restricting that I couldn’t empty the dishwasher. When I asked the doctor after a week or so when the symptoms didn’t subside, she gave me a script to see a physical therapist. The physical therapist mentioned that this probably didn’t happen during water aerobics alone - but from the 2020 pandemic when most stopped getting their routine movement in - as well as from sitting cross-legged on my couch, over-extending my legs, while sitting on the couch, and leaning forward at my desk - and I may have just moved in a way that caused the nerve to pinch.

The second issue was an old ankle injury more than 10 years ago that never fully healed itself - you know when “they” say once you injure your ankle, it never fully recovered? I tore a ligament in my right ankle and it’s never been the same. In 2014, I trained and ran a half marathon (which you can read about here) and because my ankle never healed correctly, my ankle muscles weren’t supporting my foot properly which caused my right middle toe to fall asleep during long runs. This pain didn’t bother me much as it didn’t stop me from completing the race, however, when I went to buy new shoes, I’d ask the sales people about my issue and was told that my shoes “were not wide enough.” I kept buying the widest shoes available. This foot pain worsened considerably during the pandemic and I wasn’t really sure why. I finally was able to see a podiatrist which then lead me to physical therapy.

Here are 3 things I’m adding to my fitness routine so I don’t have to endure another 6 months of physical therapy🤞 :

Stretch, Stretch, Stretch

This one is huge for me. During my half marathon training, I rarely stretched. I was in my 20’s, do you blame me? If I did stretch, I may have done a forward fold to my toes for a few seconds, foam rolled my thighs or when I went to yoga. NEVER paid any attention to my calves. When my physical therapist asked if I had tight calves when I ran, I never made the correlation that my tight calves could be causing my foot pain. The more you know!

Maintaining my Core Strength

I have been neglecting my core for so long because getting a six pack was completely out of the picture for me! But I learned this year that your “core” is not just your abs. Your core is actually a very large part of your body and everything is connected! There really needs to be a song similar to “head, shoulder, knees and toes” but about the muscle groups - like “your hip muscles are connected to your hamstrings which are connected to your calf muscles then to your Achilles tendon and to the muscles in your feet.” To maintain my core strength, I will continue to practice some form of the following: Pilates, yoga and walking (yes, walking helps strengthen your core muscles!)

Continuing my Mobility journey

Mobility exercises help keep you mobilized (get it??) They also help to keep you from getting injured in everyday life, working out, etc! If I had continued my mobility practice as the lockdowns extended in 2020, I could have prevented my pinched nerve (probably…).

A few of my favorite follows for stretching, mobility and more are:

Dr.Lisa.Dpt // David Carson // Reyna Cohan // Dr Jacob // Kanoa Greene // Size Diverse Pilates


As a reminder, I’m not a doctor. If you are experiencing any sort of pain or limitation daily, I would ask your doctor as the pain could be a bigger problem than what you think.

Form is important with lifting, mobility and stretching. My advice to being taught correct form is: schedule a virtual appointment with a trainer, see a trainer or attend a class at your gym. If this intimidates you, make a request that the trainer is body positive, explain that you are plus size and want to learn the movements correctly to help prevent future injuries. The trainer should be able to provide you with proper instruction (if they can’t that is their problem, not yours!)


My infatuation with CBD first started when I began hearing about it - which also coincided with my adult on-set asthma. You could say I found out the hard way, that smoking pot will no longer really be a thing for me… not that smoking or smoking pot was really my thing but, ya girl likes to have fun! I finally tried CBD in Las Vegas at a vegan restaurant downtown, drawn in by sidewalk advertisement, “tea with CBD,” and thought, I have a redeye to catch tonight, perfect timing! I slept the entire flight ✈😴

After that, you could also say I’ve dabbled with a few brands, trying different CBD products out - for you know, self care 😊

I actually started with CBD drops because I was interviewing. Now, I’m a social and would consider myself an extrovert, but going into an interview is like social suicide for me. Prescribed betablockers calmed my nerves in interviews but I hated how those made me feel the next day. As the prescription ran out and I wanted another option, I did my research on the benefits of CBD and decided to give it a shot. While the CBD worked for the interview process, a particular brand made me feel more anxious and on edge the next day.

If you’re new to CBD, here are the list of benefits:

  • Help with depression and anxiety

  • Muscle Soreness

  • Improve Quality of Sleep

None of this was sponsored. If you see an asterick * I have a discount code if you’re interested.

Full Disclosure - Unless prescribed by my doctor (like my asthma medication), I don’t take medicine on the regular. I think there is a time and place for eastern and western medicines and our bodies are a wonderland (queue John Mayer). My point is I don’t take CBD regularly, I treat it merely for the enjoyment, good sleep and relaxing when I’m feeling on edge.

Here is a NY Times article on the benefits of CBD.


Add a little extra!

This is the seasonal CBD flavor - elderflower (a favorite liquor) just gives a cocktail an extra oomph.


Bath Time

Facemasks, bubblebath, bathbombs*

- I love all of them.


A different sparKling

Sneak in a little CBD with your afternoon sparkling water. Tried this Austin brand* out benefits of being an aSweatlife ambassador


Pure Zzzz’s

What drew me to the softgels are their extended release. I find my sleep is 100% better and feel refreshed and ready for the day when I use these softgels.*



I add this Daily Treatment Oil* with my nightly foot lotion and my feet are baby soft the next morning!

I apply this to my hands as well! No cracking hands this year.



Making candy fun again

Plus Size Snow Pants

Winter activities such as playing in the snow with your children or skiing shouldn’t be determined by your size. Dread no more! I have done the search for you!

I have been skiing for as long as I can remember. My family has been fortunate to be able to rent cottages up at Crystal Mountain for a long weekend every year for the majority of my youth as well as participate in the high school ski club. Last year I skied, at Shanty Creek/Shuss Mountain, for the first time since college and had the hardest time finding ski pants that “worked.” I mean, there are ski pants out there that fit, but did the companies ever ask a plus size person how they felt - or did they just scale up in sizing?

Now, I pride myself on my squat range in normal circumstances - but squatting in some snow pants is severely uncomfortable. And once squatting in snowpants is comfortable, they are falling down when I walk because the waist is too big. Out of frustration, I slid into the DMs of plus size experts (@maxeygreene and @louisegreen_bigfitgirl) about plus size snow pants.

What I learned is international companies are doing snow pants better.

I loved the ASOS pants last year but I was late in the search and my size wasn’t available. I ordered every size around it just to make sure. I was smack dab in the middle. Honestly, I just reordered them for this year. These also sell out FAST!


If I did my research correctly this year, I’ve found several brands that suggest more stretch! When buying international, be sure to check the measurement section for sizing. Sometimes, brands convert their sizing into US sizing - but that’s not always the case.

Also, you may be sticker shocked by some of the prices. Snow pants are typically an investment - especially if you use them for winter sports such as skiing and shouldn’t be purchasing on a yearly basis. If you have another favorite ski/snow pant, please let me know! If you’re searching for winter boots, look no further than my closet staples collection of wide width winter boots here!!


From left to right

Plus Snow Raiski Savona (up to 28- not US sizing)

ASOS Curve High Waist Ski Overalls (Up to 26 in US sizing)

Obermeyer Malta Bibs (up to 18 in short, tall, petite)

Eddie Bauer Stretch Ski Pant (1-3x)

ASOS Curve Ski Pant with Stirrup (Up to 26 in US sizing)

Obermeyer Warrior Ski Pant (up to 18)

Tips for Cold Weather Workouts

  1. Hydrate!

    1. Your skin with lotion

      • Your Face: I got in the habit of putting an additional layer of lotion on my face (and let dry) before I went for a run.

        • This helps your face from getting too dry.

      • Your Hands: Before I leave for the run, I would also use handcream for my hands. This definitely helped my hands from becoming too dry when my hands overheated and my gloves came off.

        • Plus with hand sanitizers this year - if your hands aren’t already feeling extra dry, this will help alittle bit!

    2. Your Body with Water: Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your run. It’s common to think since its cold that hydrating isn’t necessary, but the winter months are dryer and drinking lots of water is important.

    3. Your Lips with Chapstick. I think our lips are a little more protected with the mask wearing this year, this is a good way to protect your lips when you’re out for a run. I definitely learned from mistakes on this one.

  2. Warm up your body first, save the stretching for after. It’s a shock to the body to be outside in the cold. If you are planning on running, warm up your body by walking for a few minutes to prevent injuries as well as to test the ground - if it’s slippery or not!

  3. Nourish & Rest. If you’re walking or running more than 2-3 miles, it is important to keep this balanced as much as possible during the cold months. Its just as taxing on your body to run in the heat as it is to run in the cold!

  4. Have your medicine available! If you suffer from asthma or other respiratory illnesses, the cold can irritate your lungs making it harder to breath.

  5. How to dress! It’s intimidating to dress for outdoor workouts. Dress in layers, breathable materials and alittle goes along way! I’ve provided some examples below:

cold weather 3.png


Surprising as this may sound, this temperature is very pleasant to run in. If it’s closer to 30, I would also wear a wicking tank or short sleeved shirt underneath.

cold weather 2.png


For colder runs, I definitely layer more, but the tip is without thick layers. You still want to be able to move without feeing weighted down. I would include a long-sleeved first layer that has a mock neck for extra warmth. I may wear a full hat instead of just the ear wrap. On really cold days, I’ve also been known to wear two layers of pants 🤷‍♀️

Cold Weather Workout Gear

Fun fact about me: I prefer working out in the cold months vs the warmer months. Which means I am so excited about the plus size cold weather options that are available today. Another fun fact, I am almost certain that my first pair of cold weather leggings were men’s just misplaced in the women’s section. Well, they were the only ones that fit and I wore them🤷‍♀️! You can read about the rest of my half marathon experience here.

I guess in my half marathon training blog post, I don’t go into much of the details. When you register for a long distance race, you register almost a year + in advance and in the midwest, you just say, “🤞🏼 to a mild winter.” Mother nature laughed in my face and presented a very snowy and cold winter! While I started on an indoor track with Couch to 5k, once I consistently ran 2+ miles at a time, I had to be outside. Below are a few of the items that I obtained to train through the winter. While I’m not suggesting anyone to train for a long distance race this year (although, if you’re interested, yay & let me know!), there is definitely a possibility that gyms will be shutting down and our only options are at home workouts and outdoor workouts.

Insulated Pants for Running and Walking

Insulated workout pants are key for outdoor workouts in cold temperatures. My first pair may be men’s but my second pair won’t be! For long runs (longer than 2 miles) it’s important for your body to stay warm but not overheat. Insulated pants provides a decent layer of warmth that is also breathable.

I included some lined joggers that would be excellent for walking around a neighborhood and not running.

Insulated Tops for Running and Walking

Just like your insulated pants, thick, breathable tops are necessary for working out outside in colder months. Typically, I would also wear a breathable top underneath this layer.

When I run, I prefer having the top with a half zip. My body overheats too much if I just have a crew neck and neckwarmer/gator. This is all preference though.

Protective Head and Hand Gear

You definitely can use any hat out there, but you still sweat when you train outside so therefore the hat will become stinky. This is totally your call on how you want to maintain your cold weather gear. I have a headband that I prefer because I tend to overheat when I wear full hats.

Your fingers are the first to feel the cold and the last to fully warm up but they are also the quickest to cool off if you end up taking your gloves off.

yak trax.PNG

Running in snow

Winter is unpredictable. Walking or running in snow is made possible by these.

A positive body mindset only took 13.1 miles

Yep, you read that correctly. I had to sign up, train and run a half marathon (13.1 miles) in order to appreciate the size of my body. How, why did this happen, you ask?

Let me give you some background info: I had never considered myself a runner but always worked out with the goal to lose weight. When I lived in Washington, DC, I found a bootcamp style class with Ambitious Athletics and in the age of the couch to 5K, I also ran along Rock Creek Park. I ran alone, because I was embarrassed at my speed, something I had been blessed with when I was born into my family. In the summer of 2013, I decided to move back to the Midwest for various reasons. A few of my college friends coincidentally also transitioned back to the Midwest and we all decided to run a 5k fun run! As the race date came, I still hadn’t completed the 3 mile distance, but figured I’d be able to push through with the “adrenaline” of the race.

I ran about 2 of the 3.1 miles of the fun run. I was pissed, confused and embarrassed that even though I was taking this “fun run” seriously, I still couldn’t run the whole thing. Fast-forward to present day, I now know that its because the powder the race used contained something that affected my exercise-induced asthma that wasn’t physically noticeable until I started training for my half-marathon.

Now getting to the half marathon!

My high school friend, a marathoner, emailed a group of friends and asked if we wanted to have a fun memorial day weekend in 2014 that included running a marathon, half marathon or even a 10k. I kind of scoffed at the email (as a non-runner), but then looked at it again and appreciated the simple gesture of including me (whether she included me for the fun weekend, to be a cheerleader for the runners, or actually running it, I will never know).

Then I started thinking about it. First, I googled how many miles were in a half marathon. Then I thought, ok, 13.1 miles = 4 - 5k’s and some change, that’s doable. Since I didn’t complete the fun run, I thought, I’ll redeem myself with a half marathon!

Makes total sense, right?

But in the back of my head, like every other person who is unhappy with the way they look, was thinking that running this race will make me thin and beautiful.

About halfway through the half marathon training process, I realized:

  • I really enjoyed the training schedule, knowing that there was a start and end date (instead of telling myself to workout 3x a week for 1 hour until forever).

  • I have exercise-induced asthma! My mom, a nurse (yay, nurses!), noticed that I would wheeze and cough for a period of time after my long training runs. Like all good mothers do, she sent me to the doctor and the doctor told me almost word for word what my mom had and provided me proper medication.

  • My body wasn’t changing that much.

I also learned that race day fashion is just as big of a deal as picture day at school?? I had no idea, but once I found this out, I had some fun. I splurged on nice black leggings from Athleta and a Nike shirt (1x). After all of my training, I was bummed about the number on the shirt; but that quickly changed when I found a coordinating Buff headband to complete my race day look. *please note this was before the now plethora of plus size activewear

Back to the race, which I finished on my time, for me. I ran all 13.1 miles, found running buddies along the way and got motivation from cheerleaders on the sidelines.

Running the half marathon did not make me thin, nor did it make me beautiful. About a week after the race, when the muscle soreness resided (pain no one tells you you will feel) I realized that even though I didn’t drop the pounds and sizes like I had hoped, I gained confidence, strength and so much more.

Source: www.officiallycurvy.net/blog/positive-body...